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  主題: ??Espresso????(???)

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發表版面: ????   發表於: 星期六 九月 06, 2014 3:51 am   主題: ??Espresso????(???)
Very good post! sorry
  主題: DIY addon for Mignon - ?????

回覆: 36
觀看: 62259

發表版面: ???   發表於: 星期一 四月 25, 2011 5:44 am   主題: Re: DIY addon for Mignon - ?????
Impressive! ...
  主題: Hungry?? Try this!! Steaming Eggs on an Espresso Machine

回覆: 2
觀看: 8283

發表版面: ????   發表於: 星期六 二月 05, 2011 12:37 pm   主題: Hungry?? Try this!! Steaming Eggs on an Espresso Machine
  主題: ???vs??????

回覆: 3
觀看: 11968

發表版面: ??????   發表於: 星期六 二月 05, 2011 8:37 am   主題: Re: ???vs??????
It depends on what you're looking for.

For convenience it's no doubt that super automatic machines (???) are better. That's why super automatic machine ...
  主題: ek ??????

回覆: 12
觀看: 25112

發表版面: ??????   發表於: 星期六 二月 05, 2011 8:21 am   主題: ek ??????
  主題: Self built coffee grinder timer (??)

回覆: 16
觀看: 41665

發表版面: ???   發表於: 星期六 二月 05, 2011 8:10 am   主題: Self built coffee grinder timer (??)
Good sharing! innocent
  主題: ????...

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觀看: 10543

發表版面: ????   發表於: 星期六 四月 10, 2010 10:26 am   主題: ????...
  主題: gillian ?????~

回覆: 7
觀看: 31249

發表版面: ????   發表於: 星期六 四月 03, 2010 4:20 am   主題: Re: gillian ?????~

2010-03-18 ?shing ????????????????? ???????~

2010-03-21 ???? ????????~ ?????????????d ??~
http://farm3.static. ...
  主題: La Esperanza is a total stranger! Is it water?

回覆: 9
觀看: 23589

發表版面: ???/????????   發表於: 星期六 四月 03, 2010 4:15 am   主題: Re: La Esperanza is a total stranger! Is it water?
People talked about water a lot and let me jive in.

I asked Dixon at Xen Coffee in Quarry Bay a favor to brew my favorite Nicaragua La Esperanza I bought from Fresh two weeks ago.

It was a total ...
  主題: Caffe Essenza Latte Art Rewind

回覆: 7
觀看: 21894

發表版面: ????   發表於: 星期六 四月 03, 2010 4:02 am   主題: Caffe Essenza Latte Art Rewind
Interesting idea! It's great!! 0.gif" alt="" border="0" />
  主題: [Video] Presents: Latte Art Collection

回覆: 11
觀看: 26150

發表版面: ????   發表於: 星期六 四月 03, 2010 3:57 am   主題: [Video] Presents: Latte Art Collection
Very nice! Good job!!

  主題: ?? leva 2 ?? adjust stream pressure

回覆: 5
觀看: 12650

發表版面: ????   發表於: 星期日 三月 21, 2010 10:42 am   主題: ?? leva 2 ?? adjust stream pressure
Open the stainless steel case, look at the back you see a black plastic screw. You can rotate the screw to adjust the steam pressure (turn clockwise to increase pressure).
  主題: Espresso ???????

回覆: 11
觀看: 21592

發表版面: ????   發表於: 星期日 三月 07, 2010 9:40 am   主題: Espresso ???????

???bar ??????????????

??????? x 3.1415927 + tamp ??? power 2 X ?? - ?? / ??
??????? bar ?

Razz Razz
Speaking of formula, probably differential equations can be applied. Very Happy
  主題: Espresso ???????

回覆: 11
觀看: 21592

發表版面: ????   發表於: 星期日 三月 07, 2010 9:39 am   主題: Espresso ???????

???bar ??????????????

??????? x 3.1415927 + tamp ??? power 2 X ?? - ?? / ??
??????? bar ?

Razz Razz

Laughing Should be need calculate the arc ratio of the tamper, and the shape curve ...
  主題: Espresso ???????

回覆: 11
觀看: 21592

發表版面: ????   發表於: 星期二 三月 02, 2010 11:06 pm   主題: Espresso ???????
????????, bar ???????

David Schomer ??????????8.2bar, ?????????

??balance ???9bar, ????bar?, ???????
??9bar, ?????sharp note (???), ??????, ????????, ????

?????????, ??????bump ?, ????????sh ...
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