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註冊時間: 2007-04-21
文章: 786

發表發表於: 星期四 十二月 31, 2009 11:10 am    文章主題: 引言回覆

almost ok gor lor wor, dosing tamping to adjust.....

The dosing can be more even ??

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註冊時間: 2009-05-24
文章: 828

發表發表於: 星期四 十二月 31, 2009 12:49 pm    文章主題: 引言回覆

BTW, ?????,?????o???o????
??? Very Happy
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註冊時間: 2007-04-21
文章: 786

發表發表於: 星期四 十二月 31, 2009 2:46 pm    文章主題: 引言回覆

Over Extracted.

More coffee (X)
Grind Finer possible
Tamp harder.

Try again.

Grind finer, do preinfusion let the coffee expand then sin start extraction.

Happy New Year
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註冊時間: 2009-05-24
文章: 828

發表發表於: 星期四 十二月 31, 2009 2:56 pm    文章主題: 引言回覆


Is that meant "Over Extracted = not fine and hard tamping enough" ?

BTW, Happy New Year~~ !! Very Happy occasion

CH8444 在 星期五 二月 05, 2010 2:48 am 作了第 2 次修改
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註冊時間: 2007-04-21
文章: 786

發表發表於: 星期四 十二月 31, 2009 9:07 pm    文章主題: 引言回覆

Happy New Year~~ !! Very Happy occasion ;

OVER means too much too long too coarse to do the extraction in a short period of time.


Sorry too long , but read those :


Espresso, the sweet nectar of the coffee bean. Sweet nectar? Am I neweyecrazy? Well I dont think so, but I hope to dispel the common belief in America that espresso is a bitter, concentrated muck that needs to be heavily diluted with milk and syrup to be palatable.

Dont get me wrong, I too like a dessert drink on occasion, but I also enjoy a properly brewed, full flavored but not bitter, shot of the concentrated coffee. So lets get started!

What is Espresso?

Espresso is nothing more than coffee that is brewed a certain way. It is finely ground to almost a powdery consistency then almost boiling hot water is forced through the grounds under intense pressure.

This brewing process is timed so that the flavorful and aromatic oils are extracted from the coffee and not the bitter components. The results are a full-flavored, strong but not bitter, concentrated shot of coffee.
The Components of a Perfect Shot
The Equipment:

To extract the perfect shot, first read my page on espresso machines to learn about the role equipment plays in extracting the perfect shot.
The Coffee:

The next thing to consider is the coffee itself. First of all, freshness is of paramount concern. For this reason, buy your coffee from a roaster who will ship within a day or two from the roasting in whole bean form.

Also make sure the coffee is of a blend and roast that is especially for espresso. We also need to use the right amount of coffee per shot (as discussed later).
The Grind:

The grind is probably the most important component of a great shot. It needs to be so fine that it has the consistency of a slightly gritty powder. The time that water is in contact with the grounds is critical.

The courseness of the grind will determine how fast the water passes through during brewing. The finer the grind, the more time it takes the water to be forced through the grounds. Think of water flowing through a layer of sand as opposed to rocks.
The Time and Temperature:

If the shot brews too quickly, the espresso will be under-extracted resulting in a weak, no smellin goo. Too slow, and it will be over-extracted, bitter, and well, nasty.

The temperature of the water and the portafilter basket need to be high in order to fully extract the oils from the grounds.

Well now that we know the components, lets discuss the process:
Espresso Brewing Process
The Dose and the Tamp:

The dose is the amount of ground coffee deposited into the portafilter. Typically, about 8 grams (approx. 2 tablespoons) is used for a single shot and around 16 grams for a double. Most portafilters have a fill line which indicates the proper amount (after compaction) to use.

The compaction of the grounds is known as the tamp. This is accomplished with a round, weighted tool that is flat on the bottom and is also referred to as a tamp. First, run hot water through the portafilter so the cold metal will not cause the brewing temperature to be lowered.

Fill the portafilter with the ground coffee and tamp the grounds with an even, downward, twisting motion. Then tap the sides of the portafilter causing the coffee on the sides of the portafilter to fall off of the side wall. Tamp again until an even, level and firm compaction is accomplished.

If the grounds are not firm and level, the pressurized water could blast a hole through the grounds and the water would follow the path of least resistance and not pass through all of the grounds evenly. This would over-extract the grounds surrounding the hole(s) and under-extract the other grounds.

Now brush any coffee on the rim of the portafilter to ensure a snug fit before placing back on machine.
Extracting the Espresso:

First thing youll need is a clear shot glass with marks for 1, and 2oz. With the tamped grounds and the portafilter locked in the espresso machine and the shot glass in place, hit the brew button.

After a couple of seconds, the espresso should slowly start to fill the glass. As it is pouring, the streams should look like the consistency of maple syrup and be about the size of cooked spaghetti.

The ideal brewing time for a 1 oz. single shot of espresso is about 22 seconds from the time the brew button is pressed. If it reaches the 1oz. mark before 19 seconds or after 25 seconds, its best to pour the shot out and start over.

If the brew cycle was too fast, adjust the grind to be more fine or try tamping a little harder. If too slow, make the grind a little more course.

Trial and error is really the only way to tell if the grind is correct. Keep trying until it takes around 22 seconds to extract one ounce.

If a 1.5 ounce shot is desired, I use the same amount (4 tablespoons) as a double shot. Then the extraction time should be about 30 seconds.

A double shot should take around 38 to 40 seconds to brew.
The Crema:

As the streams of espresso are pouring into the shot glass, observe its appearance.

After about a half an ounce, you should see a layer forming on top that is light brown in color. This layer is called crema. Crema is a fine celled foam of oils that have the best taste and aromatic properties of the coffee.

The perfect shot of espresso has a layer of crema that is thick, consistent in color and remains intact for at least a couple of minutes before settling.

Poor crema production is usually a sign of under-extraction but can also be caused by stale coffee, or a low brewing temperature from not preheating the portafilter.

A good test is to put a teaspoon of sugar on top of the crema. It should float for a few seconds before sinking into the espresso.

Another thing to observe during extraction is its color. Initially the color will be light brown in color, but after all of the good oils in the coffee have been extracted, the color will change to a whitish color.

If you notice a white ring forming on top of your crema, stop the brew. All of the good oils are extracted and this marks the beginnings of over-extraction which tastes bitter and acidic.

That's pretty much it! You can now call yourself the barista of the house (barista is the term used to identify the person who prepares the espresso in a coffee house).


Espresso Crèma Extraction
A dense, golden brown foam, called crèma...

Good Crèma

Crèma is the lovely, golden foam of coffee oils that covers a straight shot of espresso. Thick with aroma and flavor, it is the sign of proper coffee extraction.

The crèma makes a "cap" which helps the cup retain the aroma and flavor of the espresso. A good crèma will last a couple of minutes before settling. In most espresso-making courses, students learn to test the extraction by placing a sugar-cube (or teaspoon of sugar) on top of the crèma. The sugar should rest for a good few seconds before sinking through the crèma into the espresso. Extraction is poor when the sugar sinks to quickly.


Extraction Time or 'Rate-of-Pour'

As a general rule of thumb, the darker the roast the shorter the extraction time should be. For example, espresso uses a Dark roast, and therefore the extraction time is quite short. The ideal rate-of-pour for espresso has the consistency of syrup.

On the other hand. a lighter roast requires longer extraction time. This is why Light to Medium roasts are used for Drip Coffee Makers and French Press coffee.crema and extraction, crema extraction

Over extraction - will bring bitterness

If the water temperature is too high, or if correctly heated water passes too slowly through the coffee grounds, over extraction occurs.

During the espresso pour, if you notice whiteness on top of the coffee, stop the brew. This is a sign that all of the 'good' oils have already been extracted from the coffee.

A light-brown or white foam, or whitish streaks on top of the espresso, indicates the beginning of over extraction. This will bring acidity and bitterness to the cup.

Under extraction

If the water temperature is too low, or if correctly heated water passes too quickly through the coffee grounds, under extraction occurs. The result is a weak, watery cup.
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註冊時間: 2006-03-15
文章: 1918

發表發表於: 星期五 一月 01, 2010 4:05 am    文章主題: 引言回覆

CH8444 寫到:

Is that meant "Over Extracted = not fine and not tamp ar enough" ?

BTW, Happy New Year~~ !! Very Happy occasion

happy new year! Very Happy

read the third part if you are running out of time

the most important thing: whole puck should be extracted~
all coffee grounds should touch water.

1. so why does the flow turn white?
this is because the espresso is already over extracted at some part of the puck.

2. why is the puck partially over extracted?
in a good espresso extraction, 30cc water flows through the whole puck evenly. in other words, only a very small amount of water flow through each coffee particle. the coffee flow does not turn white until 30sec.

if the extraction is not good enough, the 30cc water flows through the puck unevenly, causing channeling. (e.g. only around the rim of the puck)
large amount of water flowed through some coffee particles, over extracting it. while some coffee particle remained dry, under extracted.
the white colour is due to over-extraction.

3. how to prevent the flow from becoming white early?
IMHO, reducing the dose and make the grind coarser can ensure water can pass through the puck evenly.
Eureka Mignon Hahaha
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註冊時間: 2009-05-24
文章: 828

發表發表於: 星期五 一月 01, 2010 4:52 am    文章主題: 引言回覆

You guys are really nice! I am so appreciated.
I will try to read and understand as much as I can. Later today, I may test more cups of espresso. Thanks!
檢視會員個人資料 發送私人訊息

註冊時間: 2009-02-05
文章: 836

發表發表於: 星期五 一月 01, 2010 11:04 am    文章主題: 引言回覆

CH8444 寫到:
????? "????", ?? 2 ??????? ? tamp ?...
?? d ??. Thanks! Smile

Grinded at 1.6, 12.6g coffee beans.

?Tamping ?, ????嘅??, ?Tamp ???吓???, ???tamp...??, ?tamp ??, ???Tamp 咗???
????????, ?????, Tamp ???????????
??Tamping?????, ???????????, ????????, ?????嘅???
??????, ?/??, tamp?吓(??), ??, ??(??)?

No.6 ?? #1 - 8 ??, ?????shot, ??????
?????咗??, ?????????咗

CH8444 寫到:
bib 寫到:
Try same setting with 12.8-9g coffee and
Finer with 12.6g..

Just tried 12.8g, grinded at 1.7 (little finer).
???????? (????) ??? "?".

No.7 ??????, ??????????????

???????? ??? ? ??
?????????嘢, ????????????????

???????Over?, ?? ?? ???
??, ?????咗
CH8444 寫到:
One more to compare.
grinded at 1.6, 12.8g beans.

No.8 ? No.7 ??

Icarus 在 星期五 一月 01, 2010 7:02 pm 作了第 6 次修改
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註冊時間: 2009-05-24
文章: 828

發表發表於: 星期五 一月 01, 2010 1:39 pm    文章主題: 引言回覆

Happy New Year Icarus ?? !
????? Smile

????no.6 ??????
BTW, ??????????

"?????, 踎/??, tamp?吓(??), ??, ??(??)"

??????"??" ????
???????? "?" ????????????????

??????Thanks a lot! Surprised
檢視會員個人資料 發送私人訊息

註冊時間: 2009-05-24
文章: 828

發表發表於: 星期五 一月 01, 2010 1:48 pm    文章主題: 引言回覆

???????? bib ??????????????
?????????, ?? Icarus ???????????... ??!
檢視會員個人資料 發送私人訊息

註冊時間: 2009-05-24
文章: 828

發表發表於: 星期五 一月 01, 2010 2:03 pm    文章主題: 引言回覆

?????????????????????????????????????????? Cool
檢視會員個人資料 發送私人訊息

註冊時間: 2006-09-03
文章: 1095

發表發表於: 星期五 一月 01, 2010 2:38 pm    文章主題: 引言回覆

CH8444 寫到:
????? "????", ?? 2 ??????? ? tamp ?...
?? d ??. Thanks! Smile

Grinded at 1.6, 12.6g coffee beans.

?Tamping ?, ????嘅??, "Tamp ???吓???, ???tamp...??, ?tamp ?", ???
????????, ?????quote:39af6ddf83="CH8444"]??k, ????????, ?????嘅???
??????, 踎/??, tamp?吓(??), ??, ??(??)?

No.6 ?? #1 - 8 ??, ?????shot, ??????
?????咗??, ?????????咗

CH8444 寫到:
bib 寫到:
Try same setting with 12.8-9g coffee and
Finer with 12.6g..

Just tried 12.8g, grinded at 1.7 (little finer).
???????? (????) ??? "?".

No.7 ??????, ??????????????

???????? ??? ? ??
?????????嘢, ????????????????

???????Over?, ?? ?? ???
??, ?????咗
CH8444 寫到:
One more to compare.
grinded at 1.6, 12.8g beans.

No.8 ? No.7 ??

??no.8 ????????tamp???? ????, ??????channelling
檢視會員個人資料 發送私人訊息

註冊時間: 2009-02-05
文章: 836

發表發表於: 星期五 一月 01, 2010 7:02 pm    文章主題: 引言回覆

CH8444 寫到:

??????"??" ????
???????? "?" ????????????????

??????Thanks a lot! Surprised

?????嘅??, ????????? ????
??????, ???????????????, ??????

?/??, ?????? ??????, ?????, ???
??, ??????????, ???????????, ??????????????(e.g. No.8 ) [???, ????????]

????嘅??, ???tamper??啲?, ????? ????filter?, ????????咗
?Tamper? - ???????, ???????????, ????????????, ?????????????? (??????嗰啲)

?????tamp(?), ???????? ??, ??? ??

??嗰?, ??????????, ???????????

Icarus 在 星期六 一月 02, 2010 11:04 am 作了第 1 次修改
檢視會員個人資料 發送私人訊息

註冊時間: 2009-02-05
文章: 836

發表發表於: 星期五 一月 01, 2010 7:44 pm    文章主題: 引言回覆

neohk 寫到:

??no.8 ????????tamp???? ????, ??????channelling

????????TAMP??????, ?嘢???啲?????
???? ???, ??嗰?????咗
檢視會員個人資料 發送私人訊息

註冊時間: 2009-05-24
文章: 828

發表發表於: 星期六 一月 02, 2010 3:45 am    文章主題: 引言回覆

Oh, thank you!
? Tamp ?????????????? d? (???... )
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